Conceptual pillars of the APOGEO Method

Integral personality

Integral Personality translates knowledge about a person in the light of the temperament, behavior and development indicators. The APOGEO method does not only assesses behavior, so there was a need for a more comprehensive term. Dr. Bachir Haidar Jorge, mentor of APOGEO, said that in order to know a person, it is necessary to know his/her origin, his/her family and his/her history. He said that it would only be possible to understand how much a person walked and evolved, knowing where he/she started from. He also taught us that any criticism falls apart when we understand the other’s life and struggle history. This is the foundation of the term Integral Personality.

Influence of temperament in the formation of core behavior

Through statistics we observed a correlation between aspects of temperament and core behavior. We observed a greater likelihood that people with emotional prevalence in temperament, develop relationship-oriented behaviors. As well, people with a conative (aggressive) prevalence in temperament are more likely to develop action-based behaviors. And, also, people with a rational prevalence in temperament are more likely to develop analytical and thoughtful behaviors. Although this tendency is confirmed by the data we obtained, we cannot claim that temperament is the only determinant in the formation of core behavior (core personality), although it is a relevant factor in many cases.

Influence of social factors on behavioral adaptation

Through years of observations, we have verified characteristics related to behavior, as follows:

The central behavior, or central conduct, is associated with the basic defense dynamics and also with the motivational aspects, while the interaction traits, are responsible for the modulation of the central conduct, aiming to achieve specific motivational achievements at the same time that allows social adaptation to take place.

In some people, we observed a greater link between central behavior and temperament, suggesting a genotypic influence of temperament on the formation of behavior. We observed a higher frequency of this influence in people with a temperament directed towards a certain impulse and, less frequently, in people with a different temperament for several impulses. In this second case, we observed that the construction of the central conduct may be the result of social adaptation, that is, of phenotypic origin. We do not have enough data to conclude whether the central conduct is entirely of genotypic or phenotypic origin.

Development indicators

We looked for numerical indicators that could assess aspects related to the integral personality, translating into a more objective and scientific language the understanding about human beings.

We created the following indicators:

We continue to develop and improve the method on all its fronts: criteria, statistics, reports, illustrated dynamics, training and connections. Our aim is to leave the best possible legacy regarding the understanding of human being, with the objective of helping them to have a more balanced and satisfying life. In the hope that this balance will reflect in a more balanced society and a better world.